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I Fell Flat On My Face…

I love laughter! So much so, that if I go a day without laughing, I know it has been a rough day. Yes there are the things like silly photos and videos that can make me laugh. But there are also people who make me laugh.

I especially love laughing with people. You know, the kind that you laugh so hard, you stop breathing? And tears stream down your face? That is truly the best!

One of the last times I laughed like this, it came from something unexpected. It wasn’t an instagram photo, facebook video or even sharing a memory with one of my closest friends.

A few months ago, I was in the middle of my workout. I was feeling pretty good, as I was keeping up with the instructor in the video, and enjoying the music. Then about three quarters of the way through, we went into an extended plank. In case you don’t know what this is, I’ll explain a bit.

A normal plank is when you are on the ground, facing the floor. Your hands are directly below your shoulders, and your legs are extended back with your toes touching the floor. A pretty simple position to hold. And an extended plank is the same thing, but your hands are a few inches in front of your shoulders. Simple enough, right? Well it is easier said than done.

The goal was to hold that position for a few seconds then slowly lower. I got all set in my extended plank position. And then, WHAP!

I fell flat on my face. And yes, I mean this literally!

In years past this would have made me frustrated, even mad. My thoughts would go to the place of I’m not strong enough, I’m not fit enough.

But this time, I burst into laughter. I was already a bit out of breath from the exercise I had been doing. But this completely took my breath away. My nose was buried in my orange mat which smelled of dirt, sweat and tears that had been shed – not such a lovely smell.

I got up to try it again. But because I was still laughing hysterically (and this was full body laughter), I fell flat on my face again.

So I laid there, tears now streaming down my face, my laughter even louder echoing off the four walls of my small room, breathing in the stench of my mat. I turned my palms upward, and stayed in that position for the rest of the workout, worshiping.

And in that time I heard God say “you can not do this in your own strength. You need My Strength. Not only in these workouts, but in your life.”

He strengthens not only my physical body, but also my heart, my mind and my soul!

God thank you for this beautiful temple that I get to live and move in! Thank you for the gift of worship, the gift of movement and the gift of laughter!

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So, the next time you fall, listen to what God might be trying to teach you. And don’t be afraid to laugh, even if it is at yourself. He love to hear His children laugh!