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Mostly sweet, with a couple nuts in it.

Coming off of the Thanksgiving holiday, I know I have a lot of things to be thankful for in my life. This year was the second time I was not at home (the first was on the World Race). So I celebrated with some friends here in Georgia. We did the traditional go around the table and say what you’re thankful for.

As I thought about the many great things in my life, one kept jumping to the top of the list.


I know for many people, family is a difficult subject. I have learned this through hearing many stories. I have also learned that family comes in different forms.

Let me explain by telling you a little about mine.

The immediate family I was born into is wonderful! Although we may not agree on every last detail in life, we love and support one another through each part of life. Something I may have taken for granted in the past. Not only does my family support me in the everyday things, but they also support me in the crazy things I have done and am still doing. You know, like traveling the world doing missions with people I had never met before, and moving away from a place I had called home for most of my life to delve deeper into what the Father has for me.

They gave me roots to stand firm, and wings to try out new things. I didn’t get to chose them, but I wouldn’t chose any other family to be my core. Thank you for everything you do! You are one of the biggest blessings in my life.

And then there is the family who helped me in the final step of embracing the crazy and weird within me. A ministry of faith and fitness, bringing wholeness to my life and so many others, you know who you are!

“When you find people who not only tolerate your quirks but celebrate them with glad cries of ‘Me, too!” be sure to cherish them. Because those weirdos are your tribe.” (unknown)

It has only been a couple years since this community of encouragers and world changers has been part of my life. But I am so glad that I get to choose them as a part of my family, no matter how far they are spread out geographically!

Finally, to my Adventures family. I had the joy of adding the people of this ministry to my family almost 4 years ago, when I went on the World Race. I had no idea what to expect, especially how much I would learn about myself while experiencing different corners of the Kingdom of God. And now to be back in Georgia, in such a healthy and safe community to explore where the Lord is leading, is such a blessing.

Although I threw myself into this community a few years ago without knowing too much about it, I now am so glad I did, and I choose you as another part of my big, beautiful family!

Thank you to all of my family, the ones I was born a part of, and the ones I get to choose. For the parts you have played in my life, and the parts that I have been able to play in your lives. I would not be here in this place without you!

And now I ask you, who is your family?

Is it just the ones related by blood?

Or have you found people from your community, who you choose to be part of your family?