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We were told we would take a hiking and camping trip as a part of our orientation for CGA. There were not a lot of details given about the trip, other than what to bring. 

I was excited for this trip. I haven’t been hiking or camping in quite some time. And I thought it would be a great time to get to know some of the people I would be doing life with in CGA. 

But oh contraire! 

This would not be a time to socialize. It would be a time to be with the Lord. To prepare our hearts for this new season upon us. Four days hiking, three days camping. 

Yes! I can do this! I will soak up the outdoors, while being surrounded by people AND get to spend time with God!

We gathered our group, and started with prayer for safety and clear minds for God to speak to us. Then we headed on the trail. 

The weather was perfect. Just a bit of coolness to the air, so you didn’t get too warm. The fresh air and the view around me was so renewing. I wanted to take it all in, but had to be a bit careful to not trip on the roots of the big, beautiful trees.

Every so often I just had to stop and take a look around me. Remind myself that this was not a dream. It was the start to my new adventure. The mountains nearby caught my attention every time. As much as I wanted to talk to the people on my team, I was so in awe of the beauty around me. My heart was becoming more and more full.

The first day of hiking was fairly easy. The second was longer, and the trail steeper. We had quesitons of introspection both days. The second day I had to press in to the Lord more, as my physical strength was being challenged more. 

The third day we stayed in the same place. This would be our loner day. We were given a space that was about 20 feet square. We could see the people around us, but were not to talk to them. 

Cool. I can do that. I can spend a whole day with God. 

I had some wonderful time in the morning listening to the birds chirp, the breeze blow and the river run. I felt peace. 

But after a few hours, I became antsy. After hiking, I wanted to exercise more. And it would be outside! But I didn’t have extra clothes.

Maybe I could just do a little bit. But I don’t have music. 

I sat in my hammock, tryng to figure out how I could make it work. 

And then I felt it: Rest.

But I want to move. I need to move. You made me to move!

I made you to move, but I also made you to Rest.

I finally settled back into my hammock, to take the rest that God was asking me for. In my rest, I fell asleep. And God spoke to me in a dream. I woke up frightened, heart racing. 

And then the Lord said: Do not be afraid. I am here. I will keep you on the right path. Trust Me. Listen to My Voice. I will keep you safe.

I learned on the World Race, that God speaks to me in visions and dreams. I had never had a dream of this kind. It was a sign that this season will be the final step in breaking down the things that may have held me back in the past, and building up the things that make me new every day!